Advances in study on transport models of multicomponent reacting solutes in groundwater
摘要: 描述多孔介质中地下水中溶质迁移行为的模型有两类:一为溶质的多组分水化学平衡模式;二为溶质的水动力迁移模式(对流-弥散模式)。对这两类模型进行了回顾,着重介绍了近年来两者耦合模型的发展,提出了尚需解决的问题。Abstract: The model describing migration behavior of groundwater solutes in porous media can be divided into two parts:the first is the multicomponent aquatic chemistry model,and the second is the hydraulic transport model (advection-dispersion model).This paper presents a short review about two kinds of models aforementioned,mainly introducing the development of transport model of reacting solutes in recent years. In the meantime,some existing problems of the rmdel are also suggested.