
Century’s retrospect and looking into the future of hydrological science

  • 摘要: 对20世纪国内外水文科学发展历程进行了回顾,涉及到水文学的变革、水文测验、水文分析计算、水文模拟与预报和主要水文分支学科的兴起。对当今水文学术界的争论问题阐明了笔者的观点,其中涉及到科学与技术的关系、科学研究与生产应用的关系,数学方法与水文物理基础的关系。指出了我国水文学术界存在的若干问题。对21世纪水文科学的发展进行了展望。


    Abstract: This paper focuses on the issue of the 20-Century's retrospect of hydrological science,and reviews. several important developed stages of hydrological science on hydrological measurements,runoff analysis and calculation,hydrological modeling and forecasting,and main branches of stochastic hydrology, fuzzy hydrology and hydrological system approach. Main problems of present argument,such as the relationships between hydrological science and technology,research and application,and mathematics methods and hydrological physics,are discussed. The paper shows that dilettantism of hydrology in China needs to be attendon. There are opportunities and challenges on hydrological science in the 21-Century of China.


