
Development and application of the multi-object and multilevel water demand prediction system

  • 摘要: 利用交互式递阶层次分解法构建流域需水预测系统,并在系统中纳入宏观经济水资源模型建立社会、经济、生态和水资源之间的相互作用关系,实现了需水预测的多目标、多层次的结构体系。系统已在2000年进行的海河流域水资源规划工作中应用。


    Abstract: The paper employs the method of interactive step-up analytic hierarchy process to build drainage basin water demand prediction system,in which the multi-object model is introduced to establish the inter active relationship among the factors including society,economy,environment and water resources. And in this way the multi-object and multilevel structure of water demand prediction system is accomplished. The system is applied to the water resource planning in Haihe River Basin of year 2000.


