
Research on stochastic model of total phosphorus in uniformly mixed system

  • 摘要: 在Vollenweider模型的基础上,建立一个完全混合系统的总磷浓度的随机微分方程模型。该模型将总磷浓度的变化过程当做一个随机过程,在获得初始条件的随机特性后可以得到模型的数值解和解析解,从而得到总磷浓度的一阶矩均值和二阶矩方差。模型被应用于隔河岩水库的总磷浓度的模拟,与实测资料吻合良好。


    Abstract: Based on the Vollenweider model,a stochastic eutrophication model was built. The changing process of total phosphorus concentration was regarded as a random process in the model. If the random properties of initial conditions are obtained,the analytical solution as well as the numerical solution can be found. Therefore the model provides the random properties of total phosphorus concentration,such as the mean and variance. The model was calibrated using the results of a rmnitoring program in Geheyan reservoir.


