
Theory, development and application of the conditional simulation in water resources system

  • 摘要: 在简要介绍条件模拟基本原理基础上,重点评述了国外20世纪90年代新的数学方法和计算技术进展及在国内外水资源系统应用的主要成果,并对今后学科和技术发展作了展望.


    Abstract: The conditional simulation is one part of the interdisciplinary subject-geostatics.The theory can keep spatial correlation of variables as a strict mathematical simulation to reproduce dispersion variance and fluctuation process. It has been drawn great attention in geology,water resources,soil science and environment science etc. After a brief introduction to the theory and methods of conditional simulation,the article reviews the main achievements of its application to water resources system and the development of new methods and techniques at home and abroad in the nineties of the 20th century,and looks into the future of the subject and its technique development.


