
Fractal, self-organization and its physical mechanism of river networks

  • 摘要: 扼要地评述近年来国内外在流域、水系等方面的分形及自组织研究的有关成果,指出其中存在的问题和可能的改进途径.从地球内外营力及河网系统的开放性、非线性、随机性、耗散性等角度探讨河网系统自组织及分形结构产生的物理机制.在流域侵蚀与生态环境恢复、流域产流与汇流、泥沙产生与输移、河床形态演变等方面提出了进一步的研究方向及有关课题.


    Abstract: This paper briefly introduces and reviews the achievements of fractal and self-organization of river networks,points out existing questions in the articles and possible improvement ways at the same time,discusses the physical mechanism of production and evolution of the self-organized fractal structure of river networks from the viewpoint of internal and external force of the earth as well as the opening property,the nonlinear property,the stochastic property and the dissipative property of the river network system,and proposes the further study projects in the field of basin erosion and ecosystem restoring,flow production and flow together of the basin,sediment production and transport,the evolution of the riverbed form and so on.


