
Study on application of the SD-MOP mix model to urban water resource planning of Qinghuangdao city

  • 摘要: 应用系统动力学-多目标规划整合模型对秦皇岛市城市水资源利用结构进行了优化研究,首先预测秦皇岛市在以1999年为基准年,不进行结构调整状态下的总体发展趋势,从中获取有关水资源的供需信息,然后进行水资源利用结构分析,找出存在的问题,据此进行城市总体结构和水资源利用结构的优化研究,获得了秦皇岛市区水资源利用规划方案;将所得规划结果输入系统动力学模型,对规划方案实施后的社会、经济和环境后果进行了合理预测.


    Abstract: By applying the mix model of system dynamic multi-objective planning(SD-MOP) model,the article discussed the optimum uses of water resource in Qinhuangdao city.First,the overall development trends can be estimated based on the current development status,thus obtaining relevant information of water supply-demand.Second,according to the constraints of water resource emerged from the structural analyses of water use,the planning proposals of water use are formulated.Finally,by the running of the system dynamic model,the social,economic as well as the environmental responses are estimated reasonably based on the assumption of implementation of the formulated planning proposals.


