Preliminary study on standard of riverway-digging effect forecasting
摘要: 针对河道开挖后挖河效果预测的重要性,初步提出了预测挖河效果的三个评判标准:挖沙减淤比、复原率和稳定坡.引用黄河山东河段“挖河固堤工程”资料,通过数学模型计算结果对挖河效果预测的三个评判标准进行了说明,并展示使用三个评判因子分析挖河效果的有效性和应用潜力.Abstract: Three judgement standards of riverway-digging effect forecasting,ratio of reducing deposit,speed of restoring and steady gradient,are put forward directed to the importance of riverway-digging effect forecasting.They are explained according to a mathematical model result combined with Shandong reach of Yellow River.Validity and application potent ial of riverway-digging effect are analyzed by the three judgement standards.