
Impact of human activities on salt water intrusion in estuaries

  • 摘要: 采用新安江水库建库前后及钱塘江河口治江缩窄前后的实测氯度资料分析了大型调节水库增加了枯水径流,治江缩窄改变了潮汐特性和进潮量这两类人类活动对咸水入侵的影响,又采用一维咸水入侵数学模型进行了上述影响的验证和计算分析,结论基本一致.


    Abstract: Salt-water intrusion in estuaries depends mainly upon runoff,tide and riverbed configuration.These factors,however,will be changed under human activities,e.g.,low water discharge will increase due to the erection of a large-scale reservoir,and the tide range will be changed after training/reclamation in the estuary.Using the field chlorinity data recorded before and after those human activit ies and a 1-D mathemat ical model of salt-water intrusion,this paper analyses the impact of human activities on the saltwater intrusion in Qiantang River Estuary.The results from those two methods,the maximum,minimum and average chlorinity and the longest period of the days exceeding the chlorinity permissible standards,are basically identical.


