
Research on the moving behaviors and modeling of light nonaqueous phase liquid in subsurface

  • 摘要: 通过自行设计制备的二维砂箱模拟轻非水相液体(LNAPL)在湿润多孔介质中的渗漏,得出LNAPL在地下环境中的入渗、迁移及分布规律,并利用多相流体理论对其污染机理进行分析.在实验基础上建立模型来预测渗漏的基本特征,即渗流带中污染锋面扩展速度和透镜体的最终形状,预测结果与实测结果较为接近.这种预测模型对控制和治理地下水中LNAPL污染是至关重要的.


    Abstract: A two-dimensional experimental chamber is designed and installed to simulate the spills or leaks of lighter than water nonaqueous liquid in water-wetted porous media.The results show the infiltration,movement and distribution of light nonaqueous phase liquid(LNAPL) in subsurface.Then the mechanisms of LNAPL contamination are analysed by the multiphase fluid theory.Based on the experimental results,the analytical models are developed to predict the moving behaviors of LNAPL in the unsaturated-saturated zone,including the spreading velocity of contaminant front in shallow vadose zone and the final extent of immobile oil lens.The calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental data.It is shown that the predict models are critical for control and remediation of LNAPL contamination in groundwater.


