
A distributed model of reference evapotranspiration based on the DEM

  • 摘要: 在对参考作物蒸散量计算模型的参数(气压、辐射)进行地形(坡度、坡向和高度)校正的基础上,利用GIS的空间分析功能,建立了基于数字高程模型(DEM)的区域参考作物蒸散量的分布式模型.并以内蒙古半干旱鄂尔多斯高原沙地区(面积为114km2)的考考赖沟流域为例,计算了该区参考作物蒸散量的空间分布.参数校正前后的计算结果比较表明:参考作物蒸散量在受地形影响的情况下,具有较大的空间变异性,且这种变异程度随模型空间分辨率的降低而减小.模型的建立与实现提高了区域蒸散估算的精度,对于区域水分平衡研究和分布式地理模型以及沙质荒漠化防治模式研究具有重要意义.


    Abstract: A distributed model for regional reference evapotranspiration was developed and applied for the daily simulation of evapotranspiration on August 28,2000 in Ordos sandland basin of the Kaokaolaigou river(area 114 km2).In the distributed evapotranspiration model,the radiation and vapour pressure strongly related to topography were adjusted firstly by utilizing GIS spatial analysis,then the spatial distribution of reference evapotranspiration was calculated and analyzed.Among the parameters,the temperature and wind speed were considered uniformity within the basin because of small variations in them.The result shows that the spatial variation of reference evapotranspiration is obvious because the radiation is depended highly on slope and aspect.The variation of reference evapotranspiration is increased with the enhancing spatial resolution of the model.The model is helpful for improving estimation of regional evapotranspiration,regional water balance study and distributed geographical model study and combating desertification.


