
Research advance in ecological water demand and environmental water demand

  • 摘要: 论述了国内外有关生态、环境需水研究的进展情况,包括研究内容、定量计算方法及其研究成果等。在此基础上,指出目前生态、环境需水研究领域存在的主要问题,从理论和实践两个方面,提出了生态、环境需水今后需进一步研究的课题。


    Abstract: This paper discusses the current research advance in ecological water demand and environmental water demand,including study content,quantitative analysis methods and research achievements etc.On the basis of above analysis,the main existent problems in this field are pointed out1.At the same time,the questions to be studied in the field of ecological and environmental water demand are put forward.


