
Studies on the water resources issues for the development in the Northwest China

  • 摘要: 分析了西北水资源的特点,就生态环境用水、生态环境治理以及植树造林与沙漠治理等西部开发中的突出问题提出了一些认识。指出:西北开发必须以水为度,充分考虑区域水资源的承载能力;保护和改善西北地区生态环境的基本途径是偿还已被人类逐步夺占而本该属于自然生态系统的那一部分水源。


    Abstract: Water plays a key role,and there are many water resources issues for the development in the Northwest China.In this article,based on the analysis on the regional characteristics of water resources in the Northwest China,some aspects which are very important for the west-development,regarding of the ecological environment and its management,tree planting and desert fathering and others were discussed.Finally,the writer pointed out that the west-development depends fully on the available capacity of water resources in the regions,we have to return the water,which should be used for natural ecological environmental system but has been robbed by human,back to its original purpose,and water projects which transfer water from one basin to another one are the ultimate way to solve the water-shortage problem in the west China.


