
Application of analytic hierarchy process based on genetic algorithm to water environment systems engineering

  • 摘要: 针对层次分析法中判断矩阵的一致性问题,直接从判断矩阵的定义出发,提出了基于加速遗传算法的层次分析法 (AGA-AHP),利用该法可同时确定层次各要素的相对重要性的排序权值和进行判断矩阵的一致性检验。理论分析和实例分析的初步结果说明:AGA-AHP法直观、可行且有效,计算简便、精度高。


    Abstract: As an important analysis method in systems engineering,the analytic hierarchy process has been applied in many practical engineering problems of multi-object decision-making.According to the definition of judgement matrix,an analytic hierarchy process based on the accelerating genetic algorithm (AGA-AHP) is presented for comprehensive evaluation of complex system.The priority weights of hierarchy elements can be determined and the consistency check of judgement matrix can be done at the same time by using the AGA-AHP.The results of theoretical analysis and case study show that the AGA-AHP is visual,feasible,effective and convenient,that the computational precision of the AGA-AHP is high,and that the AGA-AHP possesses important theoretical meaning and broad application value in systems engineering.


