A macro-model for calculating benefit of flood control system in a basin
摘要: 针对现有防洪效益计算模型所需资料多、计算复杂等问题,本文在符合防洪效益特点的宏观假定基础上,提出了防洪效益计算的洪水频率面积系数和洪水频率严重系数,并用水文学和数理统计的有关原理导出了流域防洪系统效益计算的宏观模型。算例研究的结果表明:模型理论上合理,实际应用简单,可操作性强。Abstract: The present models of flood control benefit need a lot of data,and are complex in calculation.In accordance with the problems above,this paper presents the concepts of flood frequency-area coefficient and flood frequency-damage degree coefficient,and infers a macro-model for calculating benefit of flood control systems in a basin on the base of macro-hypothesis in connected with the characteristics of flood control benefit.The results of a case study prove that the model is rational and easily operated.