
A finite volume method for numerical modeling of 2-D flow and sediment movements on unstructured grids

  • 摘要: 基于无结构网格有限体积法的算法框架,通过引入跨单元界面法向水沙数值通量的逆风分解,将悬沙与床沙交换以及分组挟沙力计算模式自然地嵌入二维水沙运动方程组的数值格式中,形成高精度、守恒性好的二维水沙有限体积算法。最后,利用该算法对谭江樟州河段的水沙输运和河床变形进行了数值模拟。结果表明,该算法能够较好地模拟复杂条件下河道水沙输运的往复特征和河床变形的动态过程,其精度满足河道工程后效分析的要求。


    Abstract: Based on the algorithm frame of finite volume on unstructured grids,by introducing upwind decomposition of flow and sediment numerical fluxes in the normal direction to and across each side of cells,a 2-D finite volume method for flow and sediment movements is established,including exchange modes between suspend sand and bed sand,and sediment-carrying capacity formula of different grain.The algorithm is used to simulate the numerical value on flow and sediment transport and riverbed deformation.It is proved that this algorithm can reflect the dynamic process of flow and sediment transport and river bed deformation,and that the precisions satisfy the analytic need of the river engineering.


