
Method of town distribution in resettlement of affected residents for flood control and safety construction and its application

  • 摘要: 针对防洪安全建设规划中运用机率小、预见期较长的蓄滞洪区,在保证其合理有效利用的前提下,考虑蓄滞洪区内工农业发展状况,自然地理环境以及移民后的生产生活条件,运用区域布局理论,提出移民建镇优化规划的布点方法,并将该方法应用于洪泽湖圩区规划。


    Abstract: To counter the characteristics of less utilization frequency and long prediction period of the flood storage and detent ion basin,the method of optimal town distribution in the reset lement of affected residents plan is presented by using the regional distribut ion theory and considering the industry and agriculture devel opment,the natural and geographical features and relocates' production and living conditions under the premise of utilizing the flood storage and detention basin rationally and effectively. This method is applied to the embankment area plan of Hongzehu Lake.


