
New definition and computation on the water sensitive index in Jensen model

  • 摘要: 在总结已有的作物水分生产函数Jensen模型研究工作的基础上,针对以往研究中水分敏感指数与生育阶段划分密切相关的问题,对Jensen模型进行了改造,提出了水分敏感指数的新定义。并在Jensen模型水分敏感指数的累加性分析的基础上,提出了确定Jensen模型水分敏感指数及累积曲线的更为简洁的新方法,新方法得到了田间试验的验证并与传统方法有很好的一致性。


    Abstract: In the past research,the water sensitive indexes greatly depend on the partition of the growing stages. To solve the problem,the Jensen model is rebuilt and the water sensitive index is redefined. A terse new method computing the water sensitive index is introduced according as the water sensitive indexes are able to accumulate. The practical field experiment validates that the new method is well consistent with the old those.


