
Salinization and improvement ways of water quality of Tarim River, Xinjiang, China

  • 摘要: 塔里木河在1958年前是一条淡水河,河水的矿化度在各段及不同季节均未超过1.0g/L,现全河段各月平均矿化度除8月洪水季节<1.0g/L,其余各月都在1.0g/L以上。上游阿拉尔水文站平均每年有5个月为1~3g/L,4个月为3~5g/L,2个月超过5g/L,最高5月份达到6.3g/L.阿拉尔的淡水所占比例不足年平均径流量的35%.下游卡拉全部为微咸水。造成塔里木河水矿化度升高的原因,除气候干旱、蒸发强烈、土壤含盐量高等自然因素外,主要是灌溉、排水不合理,上游三条主要支流灌溉引水增加,使补给干流的淡水资源量由1960年前的50.0亿m3减少到1990年后的42.0亿m3;与此同时大量农田排水泄入塔里木河,每年带入盐量达467.4万t.要改善塔里木河水质,必须减少农田排水泄入,实行咸、淡分流,退耕还林;并在源流区适度开发地下水,使三源流向塔里木河输水量每年不少于46.0亿m3


    Abstract: The stream water of Tarim River was fresh before 1958,and its mineralized degree was below 1.0 g/L at all the river sections and at all seasons.However,the average monthly mineralized degree of the water at all the river sections are over 1.0 g/L in the whole year except the flood season in August.At Aral Hydrometric Station at the upper reaches of Tarim River,the monthly mineralized degree of the water is 1 to 3 g/L,3 to 5 g/L and over 5 g/L for 5,4,and 2 months respectively every year,and the highest value comes to 6.3 g/L in May.The proportion of fresh water at Aral is lower than 35% of the annual runoff volume.The stream water at Kara at the lower reaches is totally sub-salt water1 The main causes resulting in the high mineralization of the stream water of Tarim River are the irrational irrigation and drainage,increase of the water consumption for irrigation at the upper reaches,which decrease in the annual fresh water volume of the mainstream of Tarim River from 5 billion m3 before 1960 to 4.2 billion m3 after 1990,except the effects of natural factors,such as arid climate,great evaporation,and high salt content in soil.Meanwhile, large amounts of the drained water from farmlands is discharged into Tarim River,brought the salt of 4.674 million t into the river every year.In order to improve the stream water quality of Tarim River,it is suggested to reduce the volume of the drained water from farmlands,separate the salt water and fresh water,with-drew from farming to reforesting and grass-planting,properly exploit groundwater in the areas of the three tributaries so as to maintain an annual discharged water volume of 4.6 billion m3/a to the mainstream from those tributaries of Tarim River.


