
Water quality synthetic forecast model for sea outfall

  • 摘要: 根据弱混合型河口海域的水流条件及边界条件,针对温热排水污染源,从物理机制入手,提出了三维 多层二维平面综合预测模型,对排污口区域,用三维模型考虑了垂直方向的流动及流场的梯度变化,同时考虑了垂直方向的热量交换和温度场的梯度变化,对远离排污口区域,用多层平面二维模型,考虑各层的流速场和温度场的梯度变化。通过对实际河口海域流场和温度场的模拟计算,模型具有较高的精度和实用价值。


    Abstract: This paper introduces a 3-D synthetic model for simulating the diffusion of warm sewage pollution sources at weakly mixing sea outfall. This model considers the vertical velocity,the vertical gradient of flow field,the vertical temperature gradient and heat exchange of the region around sewage outfall. A multilayer 2-D model is used for the region for away from sewage outfall,which considers the velocity gradient and temperature gradient for every layer. The calculated results agree with the observative data.


