
FVS scheme in 2-D depth-averaged flow-pollutants modeling

  • 摘要: 在有限体积法框架下应用通量向量分裂(FVS)格式进行平面二维水流 水质模拟。通过对偏微分方程进行有限体积的积分离散、利用通量的旋转不变性,把二维问题转化为一系列局部的一维问题进行求解,采用FVS格式计算各跨单元边界的水量、动量及污染物输运等通量。应用该格式计算了理想条件下的浓度输移,其结果与精确解拟合很好;模拟了长江江苏靖江段的水质及污染带,计算结果与水质监测值相当吻合,为长江江苏干流段水质评价提供了科学依据。


    Abstract: Developed in the framework of the finite volume method,the flux vector splitting(FVS)scheme is employed for flow-pollutants simulation.Upon integrating the governing differential equations over an arbitrary cell and using the rotational invariance property of the flux,a 2-D problem is transferred into solving a series of local 1-D problem.The numerical normal flux of variables across the interface between cells is estimated by the FVS scheme.Two applications are used to examine the scheme capabilities.Simulated results match the exact solutions very well.The comparison between computed results and observations in Jiangsu Reach of Yangtze River demonstrates good agreement.


