
Some theoretical studies on the Muskingum method and its successive routing in subreaches

  • 摘要: 根据水力学原理和洪水波运动理论,通过对Muskingum法的关键参数X与特征河长、扩散波动力方程和运动波数值扩散之间关系的分析,给出了X更为全面的物理解释;证明了Muskin gum法槽蓄方程是扩散波动力方程近似的表达;指出了Muskingum法演算公式在一定条件下是扩散波方程的二阶精度解。讨论了Muskingum法的使用条件和分段连续演算的必要性;应用Z 变换方法导出了Muskingum法的分段连续演算的汇流系数公式。


    Abstract: The physical meaning of parameter X in the Muskingum method(M-method)is given by the hydraulics principle and the flood wave movement theory The storage equation of M-method is showed to be approximately the dynamic equation of difusion wave and the routing equation of M-method satisfied some conditions are proved to be two order accuracy solution of the diffusion wave equation Applicable condition and necessity of successive routing in subreaches of the M-method are suggested A equation of successive routing in subreaches of the M-method is derived by the Z transform method.


