
Review of studies on the water requirement for sediment transport of the lower Yellow River

  • 摘要: 对输沙水量的计算方法,黄河下游汛期、非汛期输沙水量的研究现状,水库对输沙水量的影响,输沙用水总量的研究现状等方面分别作了回顾。分析指出,输沙水量与来水含沙量、来水流量、河道冲淤、河床前期条件等有关。黄河下游各时期输沙水量不同,汛期最小,其余依次为非汛期、冬三月、凌汛期。水库调水调沙的同时也改变着黄河下游的输沙水量。利用水库群调水调沙,使小浪底水库以造床流量、高含沙水流输沙,是目前推荐的黄河下游节水减淤高效输沙入海的主要方式。提出了一些有待进一步研究的问题。


    Abstract: This paper reviews recent developments in study on water requirement for sediment transport in the Lower Yellow River,including the calculation method,the difference between flood season and dry season,the impact of reserwir operadon,and the required annual water consumption for sediment transport.Results of this study show that the required water consumption is not only related to the discharge and sediment concentration of the incoming flow,but also to the aggradation/degradation condition of the river bed.The water requirement differs during different periods in the year,that is,it is the smallest in the flood sewn,more in the non-flood season,and then the winter menths and the ice flood sewn in turn.Flow and sediment regulated by the reserwirs can effectively change the water requirement for sediment transport.It is suggested that the main method of high-efficiency,watersaving sediment transport in the lower Yellow River is the coordinatedoperation involving several reserwirs,with the Xiaolangdi Project releasing channel-forming discharge and high-concentration flow into its downstream sections,which can reduce sediment deposition in the Lower Yellow River reaches.This paper also lists a number of issues for further investigation.


