
Definition and classification of non-structure measures for flood prevention

  • 摘要: 基于人与洪水的相互关系,将防洪减灾非工程措施定义为:通过约束人类自身行为,以改善人与洪水关系,从而达到防洪减灾目的的一种措施,并阐述其内涵;根据这一定义,将防洪减灾非工程措施分为四类,即基于洪水物理属性的非工程措施、基于洪水风险的非工程措施、基于管理科学的非工程措施、基于政策与法规的非工程措施,并阐述各类非工程措施所体现的防洪策略思想和要点。指出蓄滞洪区是具有工程措施与非工程措施双重属性的防洪减灾措施。


    Abstract: In view of the relationship between man and flood,the definition of non-structure measures for flood prevention is given as that,the non-structure measure for flood prevention is the measure which achieves the aim of flood prevention and flood disaster reduced by restriction of actions of man-self and improvement of the relationship between man and flood but not by structures.According to the definition,the non-structure measures for flood prevention is classified as four classifications, they are in view of flood physics properties,flood risk conception,management science,laws and regulations respectively,and the tactical thinking of each kind of non-structure measure for flood prevention is expounded as well.


