
Predicting of temporal-spatial change of groundwater table resulted from current land use in Minqin oasis

  • 摘要: 用GIS与专业计算地下水运动的FEFLOW软件结合模拟研究了民勤绿洲现状土地利用模式影响下地下水位的时空变化。结果表明,如民勤绿洲现状土地利用模式发展下去,受其影响,绿洲地区的地下水位将持续地以较快的速度下降,到2010年10月,绿洲内将出现以绿洲腹地为中心、范围波及整个绿洲的两个地下水漏斗,漏斗中心地下水埋深将达47~52m,绿洲边缘地下水埋深将增加到17~22m,与1997年10月相比绿洲地下水位将下降9~34m。分析表明,在上游来水不变或减少的情形下,保持现状土地利用模式,将会逐步耗竭地下水资源,加速民勤绿洲的荒漠化过程的发生;如果调整作物种植结构、采用节水灌溉技术,将会减少地下水抽取量,减缓地下水位下降的趋势。


    Abstract: The paper combines GIS and the FEFL.OW sofware,a special software modeling groundwater flow with finite element method,to rmdel groundwater flow affected by current land use in Minqin oasis,Gansu province,China.The results show that the current land use mode would result in rapidly descending of groundwater table in the oasis.There wauld be two groundwater funnels in the oasis in 2010,and the funnel centers would be located at center of the oasis,the groundwater table in funnel centers wauld be 47 to 52 m,and the groundwater in oasis wauld be table 9 to 34 m deeper than it in 1997.The analysis shows that if the current land use is kept,the groundwater would gradually be used up and sped up desertification in Minqin oasis in the condition of water amount fixedness or decreasing of upper reaches;on the other hand,if the crop cultivation structure is adjusted and the watersaving technologies are extended,the groundwater pumping amount would be decreased and the descending of groundwater table wauld be slowed.


