
Application of the environment isotope method to study on the leakage passage in foundation of Beijiang Dyke Shijiao section

  • 摘要: 论述了采用环境同位素与人工示踪的方法探测北江大堤石角段频发"管涌"的原因,通过对洪水期间不同区域层位的稳定同位素δD(‰)与δ18O(‰)的分析确定了地面涌水的来源,结合孔中的人工示踪方法,最终确定出北江大堤石角段的"管涌"来自基岩断裂强渗漏通道,为下一步的加固工程提供了重要的科学依据。


    Abstract: The Environment isotope method and the artificial tracer method were used to investigate the reason of "piping" in Beijiang Dyke Shijiao section.According to the stable istope analysis of Deuterium and Oxygen-18 from the water samples during the flood sewn,the "piping" water origin was approved.Combining with the artificial tracer method,the leakage passage in the bedrock fault was determined finally.All results are very important to the next reinforcing the dyke work.


