
Study on characteristic of the absorption and scattering coefficients of Taihu Lake waters

  • 摘要: 湖泊水体光学特性是进行湖泊水体光学及水体光学遥感研究的基础。计算了太湖冬、夏季水体的吸收系数和散射系数,并在分析水体吸收特性的基础上对水体的光学类型进行了分类。结果表明:冬季太湖水体的光学类型属PY型(悬浮粒和黄质共同作用型),即水体的吸收特性受悬浮质和黄质的共同作用,而夏季则属CPY型(浮游藻类、悬浮粒和黄质共同作用型),即水体的吸收特性受悬浮质、黄质和浮游藻类三者的共同作用;不论冬季还是夏季,非色素悬浮粒是影响太湖水体散射特性的主要因子。


    Abstract: The optical property of water body is the foundation of research on limnological hydrooptics.In this paper,the absorption and scattering coefficients of Taihu Lake waters both in winter and summer are calculated by using the parameterized model of the hydrooptical property.Moreover, the classification of the optical types of the waters is also carried out.The resups show that Taihu Lake in winter appears to be of water type PY with suspended particles and yellow substence being the dominant light absorbers,and in summer of water type CPY,with suspended particles, yellow substance and phytoplankton algae being the dominant light absorbers.Upon this,whether in winter or in summer,unpigmented suspension has the main effect on the scattering property of Taihu Lake waters.


