
Simulation of urban storm water logging

  • 摘要: 在对城市排水系统产汇流特性分析的基础上,采用水文学与水力学相结合途径,建立了城市地面积水数学模型。模型能够可靠地模拟暴雨造成的城市地面积水的量级、面积、深度和历时,并借助GIS的功能动态地演示地面积水的涨消过程,为制定城市防汛减灾对策和措施提供水情及涝情信息。


    Abstract: Based on analysing runoff yield and flow concentration characteristics in urban drainage systems,a mathematical model for storm water logging simulation is established by using the hydrologic and hydraulic methods.The model can be used to simulate quantity,depth,cover area and lasting time of storm water logging during a storm event,and demonstrate dynamically the logging processes incorporated with GIS,providing necessary information for decision of flood prevention and disaster reduction.


