
A coupled hydrodynamic numerical model for bay-river network

  • 摘要: 在一维显式、二维隐式水动力联网数学模型的基础上,建立了一种一维、二维全隐河网海湾水动力联网数学模型。该一维河网模型采用Preissmann四点隐式格式,用节点水位控制法进行数值计算,二维海湾模型采用改进型双向隐式(DSI)法进行数值求解。在河口一维、二维连接处,水力因子通过接口断面法传递,无需重叠一个一维河段来传递水力因子,避免了口门处二维网格需取较小尺度的问题。模型在珠江三角洲河网及横门、洪奇沥口门海域做了检验,验证结果表明,建立的河网海湾水动力联网数学模型是可行的,可以用于河网、河口治理工程的数值研究。


    Abstract: In order to improve the computational stability and accuracy,the Preissmann's four point implicit difference scheme is used in a 1-D model,and the improved Double Sweep Implicit method is presented in a 2-D model by using the Eulerian Lagrangian method instead of upwind finite difference.An junction control method for water level is established in the 1-D model.The 1-D model is joined together with a 2-D model at the river mouth,which avoids the requirement of the grid over lapping at river segment.The downstream boundary of the 1-D model is the up boundary of the 2-D model.Using the interface section method for transferring hydraulic factors,a new coupled numerical model is established.Application of the coupled model to the Pearl River Delta is carried out for the calculation of the water level,discharge and velocities.Results of the tem poral and spatial distribution of the water level,discharge and velocities coincide with the measure data quite well.


