
Research on harnessing eutrophication in lakes with ecological environment rechanging theory

  • 摘要: 湖泊的生态环境,由于大量有机污染物排入而发生变化,结果破坏了生态系统食物链,形成藻类优势物种,产生富营养化.研究一种局部、小的生态环境再改变的方法,采用大量培养轮虫(类)吃掉藻类,使生态系统食物链恢复.恢复一小块再移动恢复另一小块,最终可根治湖泊富营养化.


    Abstract: Abstract:The ecological environment in lakes has been changed due to inflow of large amount of organic pollutants,as a re sult,the food chain in ecological system has been damaged,forming the dominant species of algae and producing eutrophication.This article describes a research method to partially change again the ecological environment in small scale by reproducing large amount of rotifers to eat algae,so as to revive the ecological system.After a partial small ecological system has been revived,the equipment can be moved to another area for revival.In the way,the eutrophication in lakes can be finally harnessed.


