Ammonia sorption and retention characters in the riparian reed zone
摘要: 氨氮污染已成为我国江河湖库水质下降和水生态系统退化的重要因素之一.借助现场对比观测试验和理论分析的方法,研究不同季节氨氮对河流水质的影响规律,得到了雨洪初期汇流河流水质污染最为严重的结论.系统地研究了沿河岸芦苇带对氨氮的削减净化效应,得到了芦苇带吸附氨氮的主要影响因素为:芦苇生长期、水体污染物浓度、河道流速及气象条件.运用数值模拟和参数优化估算技术,确定氨氮在河道两岸有、无芦苇等植物条件下的衰减系数和削减量,分析了衰减系数的变化规律和削减量大小的影响因素,为河流水生态系统修复和水质预测预报提供科学依据.Abstract: Ammonia pollution becomes one of most crucial factors in the decline of the surface water quality and the deterioration of the aquatic ecosystems in China. This paper studies the impact principles on the quality of river water and the sorption and retention characters from the riparian reed,on the basis of site comparison experiments.Theoretical analysis had been per formed and some conclusions had been obtained that the conflux of rainstorm at the beginning stage had the worst influence on the quality of river water,and the sorption abilities of ammonia by riparian reed zone were influenced by growing stage of the plants,the concentration of ammonia in rivers,the rate of water flow and some meteorological conditions. Furthermore differences of the attenuation coefficient and decrease amount of ammonia under the conditions of existing riparian reed zone and non-reed zone had been achieved through numerical simulation and parameters optimize method. The changing principles and impact factors of them had also been found,which would provide scientific foundations for aquatic ecosystem restoration and water quality prediction.