
Indicators for evaluating sustainable utilization of regional water resources

  • 摘要: 立足于区域(或流域)水资源的特点,考虑到区域(或流域)内社会经济发展对水的依赖程度,以及社会经济发展水平的不平衡和科技水平的差异,借鉴国际可持续发展标准和国内其它资源可持续发展的认知水平,遵循科学、实用及简明的原则,构建水资源可持续发展评价指标体系,探索性地提出了水资源可持续发展能力的五级划分标准.


    Abstract: A system of water resources sustainable development evaluation indicators is designed,which based on a regional/basin water resources characters and socio-economic development requirement,as well as differences of socio-economic development and science/technology levels.The system is referred to cognizing level of international sustainable development stan-dard and national other resources sustainable use,following scientific,practical and concise principles.The five-grade identification standard of water resources sustainable development capacity identification standard is proposed exploringly.


