
Indicators for evaluating water use rationality

  • 摘要: 用水合理性不能简单根据灌溉定额、万元工业产值用水量的高低来判断.在比较各地灌溉定额、工业用水定额的高低时,应考虑各地种植制度、产业结构的特殊性.用水合理性评价应该考虑用水的可持续性、社会公平和经济效率三个方面,并建立和采用较全面的评价指标体系.尤其值得注意的是:因为其它资源及其开发的空间分布的限制,水资源利用效率的空间分布偏离了越是资源紧缺的地区资源利用效率越高的一般规律,耗水大的行业如煤炭采选业、火电工业也可能布局在水资源较缺乏的地区.


    Abstract: Water use quotas,such as those for irrigation and industrial water use,can not be simply used to appraise the rationality of water use in a region because different regions cultivate different crops with different water requirement,and different industrials require different water use quotas. Furthermore,regions with higher water stress may host water-intensive-industrials such as coal mining and electricity generation because of the location of coal reserve. So it's not fair to suggest that regions with higher water stress have higher water use efficiency. Generally,water use rationality should be appraised by indicator system under three equally important criteria:sustainability,justice and efficiency.


