
Advances in approaches for determining unsaturated soil hydraulic properties

  • 摘要: 介绍了确定土壤水力性质的各种直接方法(包括实验室方法和田间方法两大类)和间接方法如土壤转换函数方法、分形方法、形态学方法、数值反演方法和经验公式法等的研究进展和现状,指出了它们各自的优点和存在的不足.认为要不断地引入新的实验技术和改进测定设备,并把估计土壤水力性质的各种理论方法及实验信息有机地结合起来进行综合研究,以扩大它们的适用范围和提高预测精度.


    Abstract: This paper introduces the advances and status in research of various direct methods(include two categories,i e, laboratory and field methods) and indirect methods such as the Pedo transfer function,the Fractal,the Morphology,the Numerical inverse method and the empirical formula etc.for determining soil hydraulic properties,including their inherent advantages and deficiencies.In order to extend the application and enhance the prediction accuracy,new experimental techniques need to be cont inuously introduced and measurement instruments improved.Concurrent ly,the comprehensive studies integrating all theoretical and experimental information relevant to the prediction of unsaturated soil hydraulic properties should be carried out.


