
Sustainable utilization of water resources in Jilin province

  • 摘要: 选取吉林省9城市具有代表性的7项指标,对吉林省水资源可持续利用情况进行了定量分析,采用因子分析(FA)法筛选出3个主因子——水污染排放、水环境质量和水资源,并采用层次分析(AHP)法对3个主因子的协调程度进行了可持续性评价.在分析评价的基础上,对吉林省各城市的水资源可持续利用提出了建议.


    Abstract: The paper selects seven indexes that depute the development of nine cities in Jilin province to analyse quantifica-tionally the status of sustainable utilization of city water resources in this region,filters three main factors from the seven indexes by the factor analysis method,water pollution and discharge,water environmental quality and water resources factor,and assesses the harmony degree of these three main factors by the analytic hierarchy process method.On the basis of assessment, suggestions for sustainable utilization of water resources in Jilin province are provided.


