
Calculation of river water environmental capacity under unascertained information

  • 摘要: 基于河流水文、水质条件等因素的变化,在考虑参量取值可信度的基础上,运用未确知数学中有关盲数理论对不确定性信息下河流纳污能力计算问题进行了探讨.并以实际水体为例,求得相应可信度水平下纳污能力的未确知期望值.研究表明,运用未确知数学计算不确定信息下河流纳污能力,理论上是可行的,计算结果是可信的.为水质管理和保护,提供了科学依据.


    Abstract: Based on the multi-uncertainty characteristics of river hydrology and water quality information,the blind number theory in unascertained mathematics is used to calculate river water environmental capacity.Through the calculation,not only the expected value of allowable load of a predominant pollutant for a river but also its corresponding confidence level can be obtained.The case study shows that the results received from the unascertained mathematics theory accord closer with practical situation than the traditional method of water environmental capacity calculation.


