
Recognition of hydrologic cycle and water-silt relation in ancient China

  • 摘要: 中国古代在水文科学的许多领域,包括水文循环、水位、径流、泥沙和水少关系等内容,以及其观测、记载和推理,都有独特的成就和贡献。2000多年以前,中国人民就用"圜道"概念描述了水文循环,与当代对科学水文循环的定义完全吻合。关于历史水文记载,包括对河流两岸和河床上的非常洪枯水位的刻记和有关文献,不仅对历史洪水和枯水提供了见证,而且对中国的水利水电工程的规划设计,提供了特别重要的依据。


    Abstract: In ancient China, the Chinese people had made special achievments and contributions in many fields of hydrologic science including hydrologic cycle, runoff, silt, water-silt relation as well as for their observations, records and their rationalization.More than 2000 years ago, the Chinese people described the hydrologic cycle by using "circle concept" which is completely coinsided with the scientific definition used nowadays.The records about historic hydrology including literatures and carving marks of extraordinary high or low water levels along river banks or on the river beds, provide not only the evidence of historic floods or low stages but also specially important data for planning and design of large scale hydraulic and hydropower projects in China.


