Velocity measuring system for sheet flow
摘要: 根据水流影响电解质扩散和其导电特性的分析,结合电解质脉冲在水流中迁移的数学模型,设计了薄层水流速度测试系统。用Visual Basic语言编写了操作系统,实现了数据采集、参数计算和分析自动化。实验和模拟结果表明,模拟水槽实验中用流量法测量的流速和电解质扩散法测量的水流速度误差很小,说明用此系统测量浅层水流的流速是可行的。Abstract: On basis of the mathematical model for electrolyte diffusion in flow with a pulse input,a velocity measuring system for sheet flow is designed by analyzing the influences of flowing water on solution transport and its electrical property.A operation system is written with Visual Basic for automatically data collection,velocity estimation and parameter analysis.The flume experimental data indicated that the velocity values estimated with this advanced system agreed well with those from the volumetric method which demonstrates the feasibility of the methodfor velocity measurement of velocity in sheet flow.This method and system can also be used in other related fields.