Fractal description of porous media permeability
摘要: 针对土壤、岩石等多孔介质结构的复杂性,从其结构形成的物理机制和达西定律出发,利用分形几何理论,将土壤等作为在统计意义上具有分形特征的多孔介质来研究其水力参数与结构之间的关系,建立了饱和多孔介质渗透率与其分维数之间的定量化的函数式。试验应用扫描电镜法研究了多孔介质断面微结构并算出分维数。试验结果表明:利用该模型预测的多孔介质渗透率与实测值基本吻合,能够比较精确地预测多孔介质水力参数。Abstract: The fractal geometry theories were adopted to study the relations between porous media permeability and its microst ructure from the physical mechanism of its microstructure formation and Darcy's law.Furthermore the function between saturate porous media permeability and the fractal dimension was established with the viewpoint that soil(or rock) is fractal in a statistic sense.The morphological details was studied and the fractal dimensions was gained by the scanning electron microscope, which verified the function.Compared the permeability values predicted by the model with the measured values, a good agreement was obtained.The results demonst rate that the model is precise in predicting the porous media hydraulic parameters.