
Method for determining stream water quality parameters with the non-conservative tracer

  • 摘要: 将描述示踪剂为非保守、瞬时投源条件下的一维河流水团示踪试验的解析表达式进行2次适当的变形,分别得到一个二元和一元线性方程。对二元线性方程应用相关系数极值法,可以推导出计算河流横断面平均流速的公式;利用直线图解法或一元线性回归法能够计算出一元线性方程中的2个常数值,据此可以计算河流的纵向离散系数DL与示踪剂的一级反应速率常数k。与现有的数据分析方法相比较,该方法具有:(1)适用于示踪剂为非保守的情况;(2)利用一组野外试验数据可以同时计算河流离散系数DL、河流横断面平均流速V与示踪剂的一级反应速率k常数3个参数值;(3)全部数据分析过程可以程序化,由计算机完成等特点。


    Abstract: To overcome the shortage of available data analyzing methods which needs supplement test to be applied in the case of non-conservative tracer, some suitable transformation are conducted on the analytical solution describing onedunension river strewn water mass tracer test under the condition of instantaneous injection of non-consemative tracer and two linear regression equations are deduced in the paper.With application of cmxelation coefficient extreme method to the equation with two independents, the,quation estunating average velocity of stream is derived.And with application of linear regression method or linear-schematic method to the linear equation with one independent, the values of two linear constants may be estimated and based on the results of the estunat,d values of the two linear constants, the values of longitudinal dispersion coefficient and first reaction rate k may be calculated.The main appliration steps of the method is illustrated with an example.


