
Accuracy control model for micro-irrigation

  • 摘要: 对土壤湿度监测法和计算法在微灌控制中的应用进行了分析,提出一种综合上述2种方法、具有一定自学习功能的全新微灌控制模式。该模式提高了计算精度,解决了计算法的开环误差问题,排除了降雨和计划湿润层水分流失带来的计算困难,保证了作物系数的可求性,对于温室灌溉量计算还引入了温室状态系数的概念;尽管采用了土壤湿度传感器,但其分布密度可以很低,并防止了测量滞后性带来控制失败问题的出现。该模式具有大规模推广应用前景。


    Abstract: The paper analyzes two main types of irrigation control which are based on sensing soil moisture or calculating water requirement, and discusses their application to micro-irrigation.As a synthesis of them, a new micro-irrigation control model with self learning ability is proposed.This model enhances calculating precision, because it eliminates the open loop control error, excludes the difficulties arising from rain and deep drainage, and facilitates evaluation of the crop coef ficient.A greenhouse status coefficient is introduced for calculating the water requirement of greenhouse irrigation.Though soil moisture sensors are adopted, their distribution density is quite low, and the control failure arising from lag of measure is avoided.The new model shows a large-scale application prospect.


