
Method for estimating ecological water requirement of natural vegetation in arid area

  • 摘要: 依据生态适宜性理论,建立了植物生长与地下水位关系的对数正态分布模型;基于此模型,结合遥感技术进行的生态分区和植物生理需水的现场实验数据,提出了干旱区天然植被生态需水量计算方法;应用此方法计算了黑河流域额济纳旗天然植被生态需水量,计算成果与其他成果比较相差较小。结果表明,该计算方法是合理的,可以推广应用于干旱区其他地区。


    Abstract: According to the ecological appropriate theory, the logarithm normal distribution model between the growth of natural vegetation and the depth of groundwater was established.Based on the model, the quantitative method for ecological water requirement of natural vegetation in arid area is proposed, by using the remote sensing technique to divide the area in the light of different ecological vegetation and the spot tested data of vegetative physiology demand.As an example, the ecological water requirement of natural vegetation in Heihe River basin is computed. Compared with the other related researches, the result is rational.The method is reasonable and can be used in other arid area.


