Numerical simulation of flow in the outlet passages of reversible pumping station by RNG k-ε turbulent model with wall-function law
摘要: 低扬程双向流道泵站是我国独创的泵站型式,为深入了解其流道内流场特性,首次运用基于壁面律的RNG κ-ε的湍流模型对流道进行数值模拟。计算采用交错网格的有限体积法求解三维不可压Navier Stokes方程。提出优化出水流道的目标函数,并依据数值模拟结果,预测出水流道水力损失。根据经验公式计算的水力损失和预测的出水流道水力损失两者较为接近,表明通过采用基于壁面律的RNG湍流模型能较好地预测出水流道的水力性能。考虑壁面律的RNG湍流模型在泵站流道内特性数值模拟和外特性预测研究方面有较好的推广价值。Abstract: The RNG κ-ε turbulent model with wall-function law is firstly applied to simulate the flow of the reversible two-way passages pumping station.The incompressible N-S equations are solved by the finite volume method with a staggered grid in a non-orthogonal curvilinear system.The optimum function of outlet passage is proposed,and the numerical loss of head is given.A good agreement is achieved between prediction data with experience data.The RNG κ-ε turbulent model with wall-function law can be used to simulate flow field and loss of head in the passages of the pumping station.