
Effect of erosion control measures on sediment delivery ratio

  • 摘要: 以黄土高原无定河流域为例研究了水土保持措施对流域泥沙输移比的影响。水土保持措施极大地改变了流域泥沙的侵蚀、输移和堆积过程,因而改变了流域的泥沙收支关系。在天然状况下,无定河流域的泥沙输移比接近10。20世纪60年代后流域内大规模地展开水土保持工作以来,泥沙输移比急剧下降为0.2~0.4。泥沙输移比的变化,主要是由于流域内人为沉积汇的形成所致。这种人为沉积汇表现为水库、淤地坝的拦沙作用,导致了泥沙输移比大幅度减小。在目前状况下,人工沉积汇的拦沙作用相当于坡面措施减蚀作用的2 4~6.3倍,表明坡面治理措施的有效性尚有待提高,并亟待在生态环境建设中予以加强。


    Abstract: Effect of the erosion control measures on the sediment delivery ratio is studied,based on the data from the Wuding River,a major sediment-supplying tributary of the middle Yellow River.The erosion control measures have greatly changed sediment erosion,transportation and deposition processes in the drainage basin,and thereby the previously established sediment budget has also been modified.In natural conditions without human disturbance,the sediment delivery ratio over the Wuding River basin approaches 1.0.However,when the sediment delivery ratio has rapidly declined to 0.4~0.3 due to the large-scale erosion control measures having been taken since the 1960s.The dramatic change of sediment delivery ratio is caused by the formation of artificial sediment sinks,i.e.,sediment-trapping check-dams and reservoirs.Large quantities of sediment has been trapped by them,only to decrease the sediment ratio.At present,the effect of the sediment interception of these artificial sinks is 2.4~6.3 times as high as that of the sediment reduction with the slope measures such as land terracing and tree-and grass-planting.This indicates that these direct erosion-reduction measures should be strengthened in the middle Yellow River basin.


