
Changes of the entropy, the entropy production and the rate of energy dissipation in river adjustment

  • 摘要: 河流是一个真正的开放系统,而不是孤立系统或封闭系统。运用经典热力学和非平衡态热力学基本原理,分析研究了河流调整中的熵、熵产生和能耗率的变化。指出:熵和熵产生是两个不同的概念;最小熵产生原理等价于最小能耗率原理;冲积河流在调整过程中遵循最小熵产生原理或最小能耗率原理,而不是最大熵原理。


    Abstract: As a matter of fact,a river is an open system,not an isolated system or a closed one.In this paper,the changes of the entropy,the entropy production and the rate of energy dissipation in river adjustment are analyzed by using the principle of classical thermodynamics and non-equilibrium thermodynamics.It is shown that the entropy is different from the entropy production,the minimum entropy production is equivalent to the minimum rate of energy dissipation,and an alluvial river can adjust itself in accordance with the theory of minimum entropy production or the theory of minimum rate of energy dissipation rather than the principle of maximum entropy.


