
Advances in low flow research

  • 摘要: 枯水和洪水是水文学中极值范畴,自20世纪七八十年代以来,大规模地开展河流枯水研究工作,但枯水研究的深度远远低于洪水。总结前人研究的成果可以发现,人类对枯水研究的内容主要集中在以下3点:①对不同区域影响枯水的主要因素进行识别;②枯水频率分析以及有关枯水资料的处理方法;③分析枯水径流的计算方法及系统预测。从研究方法来看,过去,对于枯水研究中所采用的方法主要是以概率统计学和时间序列分析等为主的传统方法。随着信息时代的到来,一些新的技术、新的方法纷纷地应用于枯水研究,如"3S"技术(RS、GIS、GPS)。通过枯水研究综述,对我国进一步开展枯水研究以及合理利用枯水资源提供了科学依据,为我国开展系统综合分析应用研究,特别是对西部的干旱、半干旱地区具有深远的科学现实意义。


    Abstract: Low flow and flood are extreme hydrology,but researching profundity of low flow is lower than that of flood.This paper summarizes mostly contents and methods about the research of low flow at home and abroad,including three contents: (1) analysis on factors that influence the runoff of low flow,(2) frequency analysis and the methods dealing with zero of low flow,and (3) calculating and forecasting of low flow system.Then this paper puts forward some foreland researching contents in the domain of low flow,discusses about traditional methods of probability statistics and time-sequence analysis,and emphasizes new technique,"3S"(RS,GIS,GPS) technology,in applications of low flow at the present time.This paper provides important referent worthiness for more researching low flow in the future.


