1-D numerical simulation of unsteady flow and non-uniform sediment transport at the Sanmenxia reservoir in the Yellow River
摘要: 黄河是高含沙河流,含沙量季节差异显著。因此研究黄河干流的非恒定水沙输移规律以及库区泥沙的淤积问题极为重要。应用圣维南方程组以及非恒定泥沙连续方程建立了非恒定非均匀泥沙含沙量计算公式,并根据沙量平衡方程推求出三门峡库区河底高程的变化规律。使用已有的资料对模型进行的验证表明:模型计算与实测资料符合良好,该模型具有较好的应用前景。Abstract: Flow in the Yellow River carries sediment in high concentration,and most of sediment transport occurs during the summer time.As the result the calculation of unsteady sediment transport is one of the most important tasks in the Yellow River.This paper presents the unsteady sediment concentration formula accounted for realistically in a model that has predictive power.Applications of the model to Sanmenxia resemvir are shown and compared with field measurement whenever possible.