
Dynamics and rational adjusting of surface water resources in hilly red soil regions

  • 摘要: 以红壤丘陵景观中相对独立且整体性强的集水区为基本单元,重点研究了集水区内降水、蒸散、水量蓄存等地表水资源的年变化。结果表明,降水资源在集水区内的陆面拦截蒸散、塘堰蓄存、排出集水区三者中的分布比例约为7:2:1,在水土保持型坡地的植被拦截、土壤渗流、地表径流三者中的分布比例约为3:5:2;每公顷1m土体中的土壤贮水量,在丰水季节,水土保持型坡地要比非水保坡地高出864.0~1067.0m3,少水季节则高出647.0~855.0m3。研究结果还表明,以集水区为单元的农业灌溉用水量,一般为年降水量的12%左右,蓄存此水量的塘堰面积应占集水区土地总面积的11%左右,对于塘堰面积已占土地总面积10%左右的红壤丘陵区而言,抗御季节性干旱依靠扩大塘堰蓄水已不现实,其主要途径应是充分发挥水库工程和"土壤水库"的巨大抗旱潜力。


    Abstract: In the relatively dependent and most integral unit of catchment area in hilly red soil landscape,we study the yearly dynamics of surface water resources including rainfall,evapotranspiration and water storage.The results show that the water volume ratio among soil evapotranspiration,dike and pool storage,drainage from catchment area is about 7:2:1.The water distribution in sloping field of soil and water conservation type among vegetation interception,soil,surface runoff is 3:5:2. And the water storage volume of 1m of 1 hm2 unit in sloping field of soil and water conservation type is 864.0-1 067.0 m3 more than non-conservation type in rainy seasons,and 647.0-855.0 m3 more in less rain seasons.The more results show that the water storage volume for agricultural irrigation use is about 12% of yearly rainfall.The dike and pool for storage use should be about 11% of the catchment area.The expanding dyke and pool area to resist seasonal drought is not effective if about 10% of the land area is in hilly red soil regions.The solution is to develop the vast potential of hydraulic engineering and "soil reservoir" effect.


