
GIS/RS based distributed hydrological modeling 1, model theories and structures

  • 摘要: 面向流域水资源管理,提出了一个基于GIS/RS的流域分布式水文模型,模型主要包括单元水文模型与河网汇流模型两大部分。单元水文模型涉及到冠层截留、融雪、蒸散发、坡面流、非饱和土壤水运动和地下水出流等水文物理过程。产流计算考虑到地形坡度的影响采用基于地形指数的计算方法。汇流演算基于河网结构采用分段马斯京根方法。模型的大部分参数与输入信息可以利用GIS和RS技术获取,能够对气候变化和人类活动对下垫面的改变,做出快速的模拟与响应。


    Abstract: A geography information system(GIS)/remote system(RS)distributed hydrological model is presented for water resources management of watershed. The model includes a unit hydrological module and a routing module. The former concerns with hydrological processes such as canopy interception,snowmelt,evapotranspiration,slope flow,soil flow and ground flow. The topography index method taking into consideration the effects of topography is used to calculate water yield.For river network routing,the Muskingum method is usually used. The inputs and parameters of the model are prepared with the support of GIS and RS,which enhance the efficiency of hydrological modeling.


