
Advances in distributed hydrological modeling in the Yellow River basin

  • 摘要: 结合国家重点基础研究规划项目"黄河流域水资源演化规律与可再生性维持机理"的研究,综述了黄河流域分布式水文模型研究的主要进展,包括分布式水文模型的特点和基本结构、分布式水文模型中的数字高程模型(DEM)和水文学基础、地理信息系统(GIS)和遥感(RS)在分布式水文模拟中的应用等方面的内容,对未来分布式水文模型的研究提出几点认识。


    Abstract: The recent advances in distributed hydrological modeling in the Yellow River basin are reviewed in this paper.The purpose of this study is to develop distributed hydrological models for the Yellow River basin,which is part of the National Key Project "Water Resources Evolution Law and Renewability Maintaining Mechanism"(also simplified as Yellow River "973" project,G19990436). The discussion involvs the framework of distributed hydrological models and the related technological tools such as DEM,GIS and RS. Furthermore,the advances in distributed hydrological modeling are also described and some proposals for further study on hydrological modeling are discussed.


